Två marinkårssoldater, Dawson och Downey, hamnar inför krigsrätt för att ha dödat en medsoldat, Will Santiago. Den unge marinadvokaten Daniel Kaffee utses som försvarare. Hans kompetens ifrågasätts till en början av örlogskapten Joanne Galloway, en kvinnlig jurist, som sedan stöder Kaffee under rättegången. Kärnfrågan kommer att handla om vem som gav ordern att Santiago skulle utsättas för Code Red, en ickeofficiell bestraffning av en person som utförs av andra personer med samma rang. Genom Kaffees bevisföring läggs skuldbördan på överste Jessep som gav order om bestraffningen.
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Acker Bilk — See Jimmy Hill. Afternoon tea with Mr Kiplin — a strip about Mr Kiplin a parody of cake manufacturer Mr Kipling inviting someone over for tea but because he eats so much cake, he eventually vomits for the whole night. Albert O' Balsam and his Magic Hat — A strip about a man who claims his hat has magic powers, but everyone who sees him is annoyed of him. Alcan Foil Wrapped Pork Stock Warrior — a young boy who becomes a superhero in reality, completely useless with the aid of tinfoil and pork stock. Aldridge Prior — a pathological liar whose lies are ludicrous, such as The Nolan Sisters living in his fridge. Prior is instantly recognizable for his retro dress sense, usually a tartan jacket with a sheepskin collar and a pair of uncomfortable-looking platform shoes. Alexander Graham Bell-End — a crazy inventor who continually rubs his penis on things and then tricks his assistant into touching them with his hands or mouth, at which point Alexander laughs uproariously whilst exclaiming I TOTALLY rubbed my bell end on that! Anna Reksik — a model who repeatedly vomits in order to keep her thin shape.